Our Role

The NSW Small Business Commission is dedicated to supporting the State’s small businesses by improving the economic and regulatory environment they operate in.

The Commission was established in 2013 by the NSW Small Business Commissioner Act.

The Commission is empowered to advocate for the interests of small businesses across the State. We will speak up on their behalf when they are treated unfairly or face unreasonable obstacles to doing business.

The Commission is often asked to provide the small business perspective in the development of government policies and processes to ensure that their interests are represented. We can also assist businesses when they are in dispute with governments, councils or larger businesses.

As Registrar of the Retail Leases Act we have a strong focus on and interest in the effective operation of retail leases and provide tailored support to assist landlords and tenants including dispute resolution through mediation.

Importantly, our customer experience team provides a friendly and professional point of contact for any small business with a problem or a question.