Woman managing the debtWoman managing the debt

Faster Payment Terms: participating agencies

Due to any number of factors (such as technological constraints, complex governance or administrative arrangements), a number of agencies will need to be excluded from the Faster Payment Terms Policy. The current list (see below) will be updated as more agencies are added.

If you are supplying good and/or services to a government agency in-scope of this policy (over $10,000), you must send your invoices to the agency’s centralised accounts processing centre. It is essential to process all invoices from a central location to ensure payments are made quickly and not lost in an individual's email. The current (see below) lists where to email your invoice.

N = Not participating. Agencies not participating are excluded from the Small Business Faster Payment Terms.

Customer Service


Building Professionals Board
Long Service Corp
Luna Park
Mine Subsidence Board
Office of State Revenue
Property NSW
Safework NSW
Service NSW
State Insurance Regulatory Authority
Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority
Workcover Authority Fund
Workers Compensation Commission
Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority

Email: invoices@govconnect.nsw.gov.au
Postal address:
PO Box W154,
Parramatta, NSW 2150, Australia

NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages

Email: BDM-Accounts@justice.nsw.gov.au
Postal Address:
NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages
Department of Customer Service
GPO Box 30, SYDNEY NSW 2001



NSW Department of Education State Office

Email: EDConnect.ap@det.nsw.edu.au



Agency for Clinical Innovation
Ambulance Service of NSW
Bureau of Health information
Cancer Institute NSW
Clinical Excellence Commission
Health Education and Training Institute
Health Infrastructure
Health Professional Councils Authority
Health Systems Support Group
Mental Health Commission
Ministry of Health

Service Centre Westmead
Email: HSNSW-WestmeadApayable@health.nsw.gov.au

eHealth NSW
HealthShare NSW
Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network
NSW Health Pathology
Local Health Districts*
Sydney Children Hospital Network*

Service Centre Newcastle / Parramatta
Email: HSNSW-AccountsPayable@health.nsw.gov.au

Health Care Complaints Commission
Email: invoices@govconnect.nsw.gov.au

Planning, Industry and Environment


Belgenny Farm Trust
Crown Lands Reserve Trust
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Destination NSW
Greyhound Welfare & Integrity Commission
Local Land Services
NSW Dams Safety Committee
NSW Food Authority
NSW Rural Assistance Authority
NSW Skills Board

Email: supplier.invoices@industry.nsw.gov.au
Postal address:
Locked Bag 21,
Orange NSW 2800, Australia

Aboriginal Housing Office

Email: invoice.payments@facs.nsw.gov.au
Postal address:
Invoice Management
Locked Bag 7028
Liverpool BC 1871, Australia

Hunter & Central Coast Development Corporation
Office Of Environment & Heritage
Environment Protection Authority (EPA)
Biodiversity Conservation Trust
Centennial Park & Moore Park Trust
Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust
Corporations Sole EPA Act
Department of Planning & Environment
Office of Local Government
Parramatta Park Trust
Western Sydney Parklands Trust

Email: Supplierpayments@environment.nsw.gov.au
Postal address:
Accounts Payable - Shared Services,
PO Box 1967,
Hurstville BC NSW 2220

Premier & Cabinet


Infrastructure NSW
Natural Resources Commission
Premier & Cabinet

Email: Invoices_DPC@Govconnect.nsw.gov.au

Stronger Communities


Ageing Disability & Home Care
Family & Community Services
Housing Reserve Fund

Email: invoice.payments@facs.nsw.gov.au
Postal address:
Invoice Management
Locked Bag 7028
Liverpool BC 1871, Australia

Office of Children’s’ Guardian

Email: invoices@govconnect.nsw.gov.au

NSW Telecommunications Authority

Email: invoices@govconnect.nsw.gov.au
Postal address:
PO Box W154,
Parramatta, NSW 2150, Australia

Courts & Tribunals
Justice Services:
      > Legal Services Council
Justice Strategy & policy
Juvenile Justice
Office of Emergency Services
Office of Police
Veteran Affairs (Anzac Memorial Board)

Email: invoices@justice.nsw.gov.au
Postal address:
NSW Department of Justice
Attention: Accounts Payable
Locked Bag 5111,
160 Marsden Street,
Parramatta, NSW 2150, Australia

Corrective Services NSW

Email: AccountsPayable@justice.nsw.gov.au
Postal address: 
Attention: Centralised Accounts Payable
GPO Box 7065,
Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia

Crown Solicitors Office

Email: Csopayable@cso.nsw.gov.au
Postal address:
GPO Box 25,
Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia

Fire & Rescue NSW

Email: AccountsPayable@fire.nsw.gov.au
Postal address:
Locked Mail Bag 12,
Greenacre, NSW 2189, Australia

Information and Privacy Commission

Email: ipcinfo@ipc.nsw.gov.au

Legal Aid NSW

Email: vendor@legalaid.nsw.gov.au
Postal address:
PO Box K847,
Haymarket, NSW, 1240

NSW Judicial Commission

Email: accounts@judcom.nsw.gov.au
Postal address:
GPO Box 3634
Sydney NSW 2001, Australia

NSW Police

Email: NSWPF-ACCTPAY@police.nsw.gov.au
Postal address:
Locked Bag 5102,
Parramatta NSW 2124, Australia

Office of Director of Public Prosecutions

Email: accounts@odpp.nsw.gov.au
Postal address:
Locked Bag A8,
Sydney South, NSW 1232, Australia

Rural Fire Service NSW

Email: Accountspayable@rfs.nsw.gov.au
Postal address:
Locked Bag 17,
Granville NSW 2142, Australia

State Emergency Service NSW

Email: finance@ses.nsw.gov.au
Postal address:
PO Box 6126,
Wollongong, NSW 2499, Australia

Trustee & Guardian

Email: tagfinance@tag.nsw.gov.au
Postal address: 
Attention: Accounts Payable Corporate Finance
Locked Bag 5115,
Parramatta, NSW 2124, Australia



Office of Financial Management

Email: Invoices_Treasury@Govconnect.nsw.gov.au



Department of Transport
NSW Trains
Office of Transport Safety Investigations
Roads and Maritime Services
Sydney Metro
Sydney Trains
Transport for NSW

Email: tss.invoices@transport.nsw.gov.au
Postal address:
PO Box 533,
Burwood NSW 1805, Australia


*NSW Health Local Health Districts & Sydney Children's Hospital Network, while participating in the faster payment policy, will be excluded from reporting figures until the policy has been fully rolled out and implemented to all hospitals in NSW.

If you have any questions about the Faster Payment Terms Policy contact us.