Home Business: going to the next stage
Hubs, co-working spaces and business growth centres
If your home business is outgrowing your home, or you would like to work in an office environment to network or have access to business services and facilities when needed, you may like to contact your local Council’s Economic Development Manager to see if there are any local start-up hubs, co-working spaces or business growth centres in your area. These services may be provided by Council, private operators, not-for-profit organisations, or the state government.
The NSW Government operates the Sydney Startup Hub, which is an innovation centre which includes collaborative workspaces, ‘drop-in’ desks, theatrette, event spaces and meeting rooms. There is also a Regional Landing Pad with dedicated space for entrepreneurs based outside Sydney.
Free business advice
To help you expand and scale-up your business or address new business challenges, you might like the support of a Business Advisor. The Service NSW Business Connect program provides free and personalised business advice in one-on-one sessions on topics such as business planning, marketing and cash flow.