Energy costs and your business
Reduce the impact of energy price increases.
Shop around
Many energy retailers offer different deals and price plans so it’s a good idea to regularly compare quotes and see what’s on offer.
To check your options from electricity and gas retailers in your area go to Energy Made Easy - a free and independent price comparison website run by the Australian Energy Regulator. Simply enter the usage from a recent bill and your postcode and you might find a better deal and choose to switch. Your current supplier might be willing to negotiate on price if a competitor is cheaper.
Reduce your energy costs
Changing the way your business uses energy could reduce your bill or offset price increases.
The NSW Government’s Energy NSW hub makes it easy to find information and get help on this. It includes guidance on discounts and incentives for businesses to reduce energy use, how to manage and monitor electricity and gas use, technology guides and other valuable information.
Ask for discounts
You can ask your current supplier about discounts for paying on time, opening a dual-fuel account or paying by direct debit.
It can be a good idea to try and negotiate a new contract well before yours expires, by contacting your supplier proactively, as it may not be required to notify you of the expiry date.
Negotiate your contract
If your market retail contract term has expired and you haven’t renegotiated a new contract, it’s likely that your account will be rolled over to a standard retail contract. Standard rates (also known as default rates) are typically higher than market rates and don’t have customer incentives such as discounts.
Help for tenants
Your lease should state clearly who is responsible for paying energy and water accounts. Suppliers can only discuss an account with the account holder or an authorised representative. If you have a problem and are not authorised to discuss the account, contact the account holder.
If you have a dispute about responsibility for charges or are unable to get the account holder’s help to have your energy or water problem resolved, please contact us.
Don’t pay more than you need to
When beginning to operate from new premises and opening an energy account, check the tariff classification code for the site with your energy retailer. You’ll want to be sure it’s appropriate to the day-to-day energy demands of your business.
Charges and rates are usually higher for businesses classified as large retail customers. You might be able to save on operating costs by having your new premises classified as a smaller user. You can ask your retailer to help you submit a network request to change your tariff code.
When moving premises
If your business premises are separately metered for energy and/or water, make a note of the meter reading when moving in and out. Notify your retailer in advance when finalising your account so that a final meter reading can be obtained within sufficient time.
Know your rights
If your business’s annual energy consumption is less than 100 megawatt hours electricity or 1,000 gigajoules of gas, your business could be classified as a small customer under the National Energy Retail Rules. This can enable certain customer protections. For example, if you are suffering financial hardship and finding it hard to pay your bills on time, your retailer is required by law to help you. Learn more about what help is available.
Advice and help
The Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON) provides a free, independent dispute resolution service for all electricity and gas customers in NSW. Contact EWON on 1800 246 545 or visit the website.