Commercial landlord hardship fund extended
Eligible landlords can now get payments for rent relief provided up to 13 March 2022
7 April, 2022
The Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund has been extended.
Eligible landlords who provided rental relief to commercial and retail tenants between 14 January and 13 March 2022 are now able to apply for grants of up to $3,000 a month per eligible property.
The fund allows eligible landlords to offset the costs of providing rental assistance to tenants who experienced disruption during the Omicron wave.
Only landlords with up to $5 million in total land holdings are eligible and they must have entered into an agreement to provide rental relief to tenants between 14 January and 13 March 2022.
The grant is equal to the value of the rental waiver provided to tenants, up to a maximum of $3000 per month, for each eligible property.
More information about the Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund and how to apply is available here www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-commercial-landlord-hardship-grant or call 13 77 88.
Applications will close on 31 May 2022.
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