Government grants and support for small business
Make sure you’re taking advantage of all that’s on offer
4 August, 2023
With many small businesses facing high interest rates, inflation and flagging consumer demand, make sure your small business is taking advantage of all the government support available.
Grants, loans, rebates and subsidies are available across a range of industries, business types and purposes, including for startups and indigenous businesses.
The Federal Government’s grant finder tool currently lists 557 different grants and programs for businesses, or search for support via the NSW Government’s grant finder.
Here are some financial supports that many NSW businesses are eligible for right now.
Toll relief rebate scheme
Eligible NSW motorists who spend more than $375 a year on tolls will receive a 40% rebate up to $750 a year.
More information at https://business.gov.au/grants-and-programs/toll-relief-rebate-scheme-nsw
Financial incentives for businesses to hire new staff
Wage subsidies ranging up to $10,000 may be available to businesses that hire eligible individuals into ongoing jobs.
Read more at https://business.gov.au/grants-and-programs/wage-subsidies
Payroll tax rebate for employing apprentices and trainees
A payroll tax rebate is available for employers in NSW who employ apprentices and new entrant trainees. The rebate works as a payroll tax offset based on the wages you've paid to apprentices and new entrant trainees.
More information at https://business.gov.au/grants-and-programs/apprentices-and-trainees-payroll-tax-rebate-nsw
Fee-Free Traineeships NSW
The traineeships provide NSW businesses with access to fee-free traineeships when they employ a new trainee. Save up to $1,000 per trainee.
More at https://business.gov.au/grants-and-programs/feefree-traineeships-nsw
Free and confidential mental health coaching for small business owners
Developed by Beyond Blue to give small business owners support during challenging times. Coaches work side by side with business owners to overcome difficult issues and provide practical skills to help them manage stress.
See https://business.gov.au/grants-and-programs/newaccess-for-small-business-owners
Loans for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned small businesses
Loans are available for Indigenous owned small businesses to help them start, grow or restructure.
More information at https://business.gov.au/grants-and-programs/business-loan-package
Energy Bill Relief
Eligible small businesses using less than 100 megawatt hours of electricity per year will receive $650 towards their electricity bills.
Eligible small business retail customers do not need to do anything as their retailer will apply the energy bill relief to their electricity account from 31 July 2023 in quarterly instalments.
Small businesses that are part of an embedded network (for example, located in a shopping centre) will be able to apply from October 2023.
More details at https://www.energy.nsw.gov.au/households/rebates-grants-and-schemes/national-energy-bill-relief