Photo of NSW Small Business Commissioner Chris Lamont

May update from the Commissioner

A new Small Business Strategy and the Commission's Year in Review

23 May, 2022

The NSW Government is calling for small businesses to have their say on a new small business strategy. The new strategy will aim to provide an environment that promotes a thriving, dynamic and innovative small business community.

I encourage all small businesses to make their voices heard and take part in the consultation.

2021 was an extraordinarily tough year for many small businesses and it was pleasing to be able to help many of them deal with their challenges and access the support they needed. Please take the time to look over the Commission’s Year in Review to better understand the Commission’s role and the ways in which we can help your business.

The Commission is also conducting an important survey at the moment on small businesses in the childcare sector. If you are a smaller childcare operator, make sure to have your say about your experiences and challenges, either via the online survey or by attending the online workshop. 

During the past two years thousands more NSW small businesses launched an online presence to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 and find new growth opportunities. If you want to find how it’s done or are looking for tips to grow your existing online customer base, have a listen to our podcast with ecommerce expert Paul Waddy.

Chris Lamont

NSW Small Business Commissioner