November 2024 update from the Commission
27 November, 2024
As we approach the end of the year, small businesses are encouraged to plan ahead for a smooth Christmas and New Year period. Read through our practical tips to help manage staffing, cash flow, and customer expectations during this busy time. With the right preparations, small businesses can make the most of the holiday season and set themselves up for a successful year ahead.
This month, the Commission launched a new online course to help small businesses prepare and identify opportunities and sell to government. Designed for businesses new to government procurement, the course provides tips and step-by-step guidance on navigating the tendering process. It's a valuable resource for those looking to expand their customer base and grow their business through government procurement opportunities.
Recently, our office has been approached by retailers and property owners facing difficulties in securing affordable insurance due to sector specific risks such as criminal activity linked to the sale of illicit tobacco. When entering or renewing a commercial lease, it’s crucial to consider your insurance needs and any implications relating to permitted activities under a lease.
The Commission has responded to a number of reviews and enquiries seeking to explore opportunities to improve outcomes in the circular economy. Small businesses are key partners to deliver on our environmental sustainability goals and are motivated to do their part. It is important to get policy settings right and our recent submissions highlight the need for balanced approaches that help businesses adopt sustainable practices without adding unnecessary burdens.
The Commission will remain open as usual over the Christmas and New Year period, apart from public holidays. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need any assistance over this period.
From all the team at the Commission, we wish you all the very best for the end of year!