Consider insurance risks before entering or renewing a lease
Tenants and landlords should consider the insurance implications of permitted activities under a retail lease as they can impact the availability of affordable insurance options
How a hairdresser negotiated a lease exit and settlement
This case study demonstrates how mediation can help businesses in leasing arrangements to find practical, mutually beneficial solutions
Submission to the NSW Environmental Protection Authority - Plastics The Way Forward
New course launched to help small businesses sell to the Government
Learn how to identify tendering opportunities for your business
Safeguarding your business: are you prepared for system disruptions?
Assess your reliance on critical tools and services used in your business
Key dates for October/November 2024
Put these dates in your diary
October 2024 update from the Commissioner
Tougher penalties for illicit tobacco welcomed
Small Business Commissioner welcomes tougher penalties and improved environment to support responsible small businesses doing the right thing
Reminder – last chance to register for TAFE’s Selling to the NSW Government course
A new course will launch at the start of November
Social media and digital platforms: Balancing opportunities and risks
Have you thought about what you would do if you lost access to your business’s social media accounts?